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List face-to-face program

Are you running a face-to-face Parent-Child Mother Goose program that isn't already listed on our Find a program page? If so, we'd like to know about it.

Listing your program on our website is a great way to:

  • Publicise your program (both to potential participants and to referring professionals and agencies)
  • Publicly acknowledge the support of the organisations that contribute to the running of your program
  • Demonstrate to funding bodies and the world at large that Parent-Child Mother Goose is thriving in Australia

To get your face-to-face program listed on our website, fill out the form below. We'll review your program's details, and get back to you shortly.

If your program is running remotely (for example, via Zoom or other means), don't complete this form. Go instead to List remotely-delivered program.

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