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List remotely-delivered program

Are you remotely delivering (eg, via Zoom, or by other means) a Parent-Child Mother Goose program that isn't already listed on our Find a program page? If so, we'd like to know about it.

Listing your program on our website is a great way to:

  • Publicise your program (both to potential participants and to referring professionals and agencies)
  • Publicly acknowledge the support of the organisations that contribute to the running of your program
  • Demonstrate to funding bodies and the world at large that Parent-Child Mother Goose is thriving in Australia

To get your remotely-delivered program listed on our website, fill out the form below. We'll review your program's details, and get back to you shortly.

If your program is running face-to-face, don't complete this form. Go instead to List face-to-face program.

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